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This method is intended only for users without Belgian identification facilities or when eIDAS is not available for their country and/or when the company they represent is not registered with the ECB.

Your ForReg request will be rejected if you do not meet the conditions, and you will not be able to identify yourself using this method.

Authentication with username and password

You haven't created/activated the "username and password" digital key yet?" ?

You can easily do this in two steps:

  1. Create and activate your "username and password" with the FPS BOSA (need help? Consult this page).
  2. Have them validated by FPS Finance using the ForReg (Foreign Registration) application.
    • Go to the application you wish to access.céder.
    • Log in with your digital key "username and password" that you created in step 1 with the FPS BOSA.
    • You will automatically be redirected to the ForReg application where you can submit your application.

What is ForReg ?

ForReg (Foreign Registration) is an application that allows people without a Belgian authentication method (eID, Itsme and TOTP) or eIDAS to request access to FPS Finance applications, without having to travel physically to our country.

Forgot your username and/or password?

You must or recreate a new username + password linked to another email address!